At The NM Luxury, we’ve simplified the resale experience, making it quick, transparent, and hassle-free. Here’s how it works:

  1. Submit Your Items for Approval
    Share details and photos of your luxury items with us for approval. We’ll review them promptly and provide an upfront cash offer—no consignment necessary.

  2. Free Shipping Made Easy
    Once you accept our offer, we’ll send you a prepaid shipping label at no cost. Just pack your items securely and drop them off.

  3. Authenticity Guaranteed
    When we receive your items, our team will carefully inspect and authenticate them.

  4. Get Paid Same-Day
    After verification, you’ll receive your payout the same day. It’s that simple!

Start your hassle-free resale journey with The NM Luxury Shop today!

We also offer an extra 10% in pay out bonuses to clients who request in-home closet cleanout services. Don't worry about waiting for a prepaid shipping label, we will come to your home, collect your items, and offer pay out on site. We are currently booking appointments in LA County, Las Vegas, and Charlotte, NC.